Sally Qiu, Hörn Halldórudóttir Heiðarsdóttir, Carolyne Barker, and Kevin Karl (2022)

The Food and Climate Country Spotlights are a collection of summary briefs that provide a systematic overview of food-related activities in different countries and those activities’ connection with climate change. Guided by FCP’s “double-helix” approach, the Country Spotlights combine data-driven research and policy analysis

Better Data. Better Policies. Better Engagement.

Our Mission

The Food Climate Partnership advances knowledge on the links between food systems and climate change. We develop the data that underpins this relationship, and offer thoughtful policy solutions that can effectively combat the climate crisis.

Our message is simple: To achieve net zero, we need to zero in on the food system.

Food and Climate Change InfoGuide


Food and Climate Change InfoGuide

David Sandalow, et al. (2021)

This InfoGuide provides background on the food system (Part 1), climate change (Part 2), the impact of the food system on climate change (Part 3) and the impact of climate change on the food system (Part 4). The final section (Part 5) presents strategies for reducing emissions from the food system and improving the resilience of the food system to climate change.